a shitty update----
1. ah- is this not the WIERDEST SHIT you've ever seen?!? I mean really- stop all that shaking. Going one further, you don't have time to mourn the loss of your parents because you have to use the bathroom in front of others?

2. Last night- I got home and I'm on the couch. The cats are wrestling on the stairs (keep in mind there is a gap between each stair) and Othello FALLS BETWEEN THE STAIRS! From about 3 stairs from the top and nudges the lamp under the stairs. It was, for a moment, rainin' cats. He recovers, shakes it off, and then as if the fall shook something loose- he does a gansta stroll to the litter box. I guess that flash of one of the nine- scared the shit out of him.
3. It was a long morning and then I get to work and I'm rushing to get to a meeting. I go into the bathroom (this office used to be a jury deliberation room so there's bathrooms INSIDE the office- nice!) and my coworker is talking to me- while I'm on the TOY-LIT! Now, those that know me... well- know that I have loose personal boundaries- but good gawd- I'm not talking about victim contact WHILE PEEING! I hollar something about boundaries and then in a hurry get up, pull up pants, flush, and--- oh, wait THERE IT GOES! Along with the toilet paper goes my pager. Yeah- it flies off the lip of my pocket and into the toilet and down the hole. I start yelling--- "oh no!!! ah--- call someone .... CALL SOMEONE!!!!" I come out of the bathroom, pants up not buttoned, and tell Alicia to "Call someone!" because my pager "kamakazied into the toilet!"
Laughter ensues and then all the girls follow me to the meeting so that they see my supervisor's reaction. Laughter ensues again.

4. Today is World Aids Day. . . There will be between 4.3 and 6.6 MILLION estimated people newly infected this year! Half of that is from HETEROsexual sexual activity.

2. Last night- I got home and I'm on the couch. The cats are wrestling on the stairs (keep in mind there is a gap between each stair) and Othello FALLS BETWEEN THE STAIRS! From about 3 stairs from the top and nudges the lamp under the stairs. It was, for a moment, rainin' cats. He recovers, shakes it off, and then as if the fall shook something loose- he does a gansta stroll to the litter box. I guess that flash of one of the nine- scared the shit out of him.
3. It was a long morning and then I get to work and I'm rushing to get to a meeting. I go into the bathroom (this office used to be a jury deliberation room so there's bathrooms INSIDE the office- nice!) and my coworker is talking to me- while I'm on the TOY-LIT! Now, those that know me... well- know that I have loose personal boundaries- but good gawd- I'm not talking about victim contact WHILE PEEING! I hollar something about boundaries and then in a hurry get up, pull up pants, flush, and--- oh, wait THERE IT GOES! Along with the toilet paper goes my pager. Yeah- it flies off the lip of my pocket and into the toilet and down the hole. I start yelling--- "oh no!!! ah--- call someone .... CALL SOMEONE!!!!" I come out of the bathroom, pants up not buttoned, and tell Alicia to "Call someone!" because my pager "kamakazied into the toilet!"
Laughter ensues and then all the girls follow me to the meeting so that they see my supervisor's reaction. Laughter ensues again.

4. Today is World Aids Day. . . There will be between 4.3 and 6.6 MILLION estimated people newly infected this year! Half of that is from HETEROsexual sexual activity.
That's some good shit, yo!
I lost a bracelet, that I had received for my birthday, down the toilet at my job that has sensors for flushing & I had to go buy another bracelet to replace it!!!! Thankfully I was able to find one & had an idea where it was purchased!!!!! AGH!!!!!! I feel your anxiety!!!
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