Switching gears in the career goal car. . .

So today brought a fun-filled day of meetings and other. . . (and even I stop listening after that!). I stopped by my alma mater to see one of the neatest professors. . . EVER! I truly appreciated Dr. B, even when I was crying over her page long paper prompts that forced you to produce a 15 page paper overnight. We were discussing the future academic goals of M.I.A. Here's the short story....
Professors aren't doers, they're thinkers. In order to be an academic, you spend your time researching and publishing- not. . . NOT teaching! Who knew!?!? I'm thinking- I'd like to see myself mellow out, become activist-light, teach at a small university, and wear a lot of linen or those perpetually wrinkled broomstick skirts.
Then, I'm uploading pictures and I come across this one and, as par for the course- I'm amazingly distracted by (insert anything here). Look closely at the party-girl jacket. . . I've got my 'sexual assault hurts everyone' pin on. Evidently, and again- no one told me- I don't leave the activism at home. I was thinking I could work on that but really, I think I just need to find a way to make it pay better! But aren't those paying attention rewarded so well with looking so cute, I couldn't leave 'em out.