if you were a booger- I'd pick you, juror #6.

I did not realize, until yesterday, what my job is. I have only been able to see the endless files that occupy any empty space, even chairs are not safe from incoming files. I have only been able to see the decorating tragedy known as our wallpaper. I think at one point it aspired to be Jackson Pollock esk- now it's just unfortunate and in the shadowLESS fluorescence- it's just offensive. The insulting wallpaper is not the reason why we don't take victims to the office, we don't take them to the office because it is situated behind the courts. My office is behind a courtroom- and that means that defendants are escorted in and out. That means I am constantly in the very center of judicial action- ALL DAY.
I love it.
The day was supposed to start with the last of training- but that was rescheduled until Thursday. So I meet with my supervisor and in the afternoon I watched trial. Let me begin that it is NOTHING like Law and Order- in fact, L&O doesn't do it justice (ha ha, that's a pun!). I knew a little about jury selection before because we discussed it in training advocates for the rape-crisis hotline. What I did not know was that for a misdemeanor there are 6 jurors instead of 12. The judge did the initial 'education' for everyone and then the attorney's each addressed the prospective jurors. There was one freakshow that refused to swear (or affirm) at the swearing in- becuase he is a "Christian" and "does not follow the law of the land- but the bible." Ok dude- sit down, crazy does get you out of jury duty.
6 are picked 10 minute recess- trial begins.
This is a domestic violence case (duh!) and in Dallas County there are 2 courts soley devoted to hearing DV cases- if that seems like a lot, that's because it is and they stay busy.
The trial begins and the only testimony heard was that of the victim. She was examined, cross-examined, and then re-examined by the state. It is then 5:15 and we're going to end for the day.
When I got to work today, I checked in with the DA's. When the defendant found that his 7 year old daughter was willing to testify- he changed his plea to guilty. Trial over- sentencing is next.
Some background. . . . we (advocates, those that really care about social change and justice) do not necessarily want jail time. Jail does not reform it simply confines. So, probation is often times a better option because not only is it usually around 2 years but it is coupled with BIPP (batterer intervention prevention program). Ultimately this defendant got 270 days (he'll only serve 33 because of credited time already served AND Dallas is so crowded there is 3 to 1 credit for time- you only serve 1 day for every 3 days sentenced) and a $100 fine.
So- what did he do that merits a month in jail and a fine? He choked his spouse hard enough to break blood vessels in her eyes. Slammed her the right side of her head into the front door. Threw her to the ground. Stomped and kicked her. Pulled her hair- some of it out. Left a welp- visible only a few hours after incident- on her face. All this in front of a 13 month old and a 7 year old.
Here's what I think the next movement in Family Violence prosecution ought to be. . . Child abuse charges brought against him as well. Emotional abuse for being exposed to excessive violence. I want to see that if you are going to hit someone- that we recognize the over-reaching effects of violence and get serious about making a stand to ending the cycle. Stopping the cycle of violence my very well begin by scaring batterers into to keeping their fists to them selves.
It's just a thought---
So far- I love this job