Well, your god is an ASSHOLE!!!

Dear Pat-
I first heard of your commentary on Friday and really wanted to process how I felt about it before saying:
I know this may seem harsh, not the least of which would be unlady-like but should the time come when I find myself living in Dover, PA your god (that's right- little 'g') will have forsaken me anyway. Unfortunate as that may be- your rationale of the entire city having 'voted' God out of their city seems an inappropriate interpretation. I find this amazingly petty of your god. You and your god may find a better use of time with some of the following suggestions:
*George Stephanopalous caught me up on the 17 newly released dead due to the war in Iraq. Comforting the families of those lost, half of which were my age or younger, would be an excellent allocation of time.
*There are some hateful big potholes on Haskell and Live Oak is an acne scarred adolescent as well. For many, like myself, taking care of my car becomes expensive due to wear and tear.
*Along Gaston, there is that homeless guy that wears the t-shirt that says, "rehab is for quitters," I think he could use a good meal and a coat- it may eventually get cold.
*I can always use help with the litter box. I mean really- it's a shitty job.
*There was a call the other day for a survivor that was sexually assaulted in her home with a shotgun to her head. Home, sex, strangers, guns, night, unfamiliar sounds. . . Well the list goes on of things that unsettle her- she could use comfort. She could use sleep, peace, time, and many other things that many say only you could provide.
*According to the National Enquirer, one of the wolf boys is tragically sick.
I know I'm posting this on Sunday and you and Jesus are busy with requests. I'm patient. Take your time.
So, I hope you consider my list as a start, a jumping off point, if you will.
I appreciate your time in considering needs outside of the perceived crisis in Dover.