procession NOT pro-sessions!
i forgot i wanted to blog about this. until i found the pics on the DCYD website... it was a may seventh... which would be seite de mayo, and it was the cinco de mayo parade in dallas. there were 2 things that stick out in my mind!
a- when they know you have candy- they will elbow their hand out in front of anyone and the suggestion of sharing nears insult. there were several not so pushy onlookers, i felt the need to give them as much candy as they could get in their hands.
too- the best, and i do mean absolute best... was when we start off in the parade procession- we are exactly one 'float' (not so much a float as it was a rebuilt truck) ahead of your favorite Republican and mine... PETE SESSIONS! The look on his face was priceless when he saw us pull in front of him... you can't see pete- but you can see the good times! there's actually one of me throwing the candy- i always get caught!