I am sending nothing but love. . . . and a threat that I'll follow through on if you need!

I don't want to laundry list all the shit I have seen and heard in my time as a social worker that has made my skin thick- but I do want to say that I feel like I'm rather sturdy and difficult to move to uncomfortable. Today I was caught completely off-guard when my mother told me that my aunt and uncle are separating. I MEAN I WAS SHOCKED! I thought it was polite of my mother to say, "Ok, well- I have some news for you." I'm thinking she's gonna tell me my sister won a pie eating contest or ran over an entire class of children driving to school. He has, evidently, had a girlfriend and is moving out. I don't want to dishonor their time by saying anything ugly about him or using some stupid cliche like she's better off without him. None of that helps and it doesn't feel very good.
I want her to be comforted- but not at the expense of his discomfort.
I want her to know she is loved- but not because of his mistake, but because she is worth it.
I want her to know that it's not about her- it's about him.
I want her to know so many things that I feel, always and certainly now.
This is going out into the world wide web and I hope that anyone that comes across it says a prayer, or keeps her in your thoughts, or is just kind to someone having a rough day because you never know who just found out that their partner was unfaithful.
On a serious note though (because this whole entry's been upbeat). . . . Texas justice travels light and fast- I've got friends in law school, I'll find a way to get off!
Your aunt will be in my thoughts.
Thank you anonymous- I truly appreciate that!
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