
I've been working with a victim that's hearing impaired. She's made arrangements to get to the courthouse tomorrow and we began text messaging today. I don't like victims knowing my phone number but didn't have any other options given the vast budget of the county.
I send her a message and I'm sitting at my desk when I notice that the light behind the buttons suddenly comes on. So I pay attention and I notice that the light behind the buttons is fickle.
I am so-o pissed!
I have, on my way to the Cingular store, an ass-chewing speech in the works....
I'm going to tell them that I don't want to wait and I don't want to sign in.
I'm going to say that I haven't been with Cingular even 2 weeks and that this is already my second phone!
I'm going to tell them that I am not resetting my phone and that they had better give me some sort of credit for all my troubles.
Yeah- I'm gonna tell them!
I get to the store and as I'm walking in I hear someone tell me to sign in. With an 'OK' and a scratch of pen to paper I wait. I'll sign in- but you won't be able to read it! Ha.
A 5ft 3inch man makes his way over and politely asks if he can help me. With an exasperated sigh (more of deep breath in) I begin.....
"yeah, I just switched to Cingular and this is my second phone because the first one had a problem and now it seems as though the keypad light doesn't work see- see how when I push this button the light doesn't come on I am
"Well, ma'am, this phone has a sensor so that it doesn't use your battery. I'll check it though."
walks away.
"Yes, your sensor is working fine." smile.
In all seriousness though- how puts a friggin' sensor in a phone so that it knows not to waste your battery? Does this phone have a direct link to my FBI file too? I'm not nutty for thinking that the sensor is... it's a bit much. (((and SO-O effin cool!)))
Still- the only thing I could think to say was: "I don't believe you."
He offers to show me in the dark bathroom but I passed.
And as I'm pushing on the door that is clearly marked 'pull', my purse collides with the glass announcing my techunknowledge!