It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.

Could be one of the shittiest pieces of prophetic genius ever!
I have had a frustrating day with my job. The difficulty is: I am married to the cause. This is my passion and there is not a day that I am not grateful that I am not working towards it. When the day comes that there is a roadblock in promoting the greater good- I find myself frustrated beyond words!!!
You are either sharing in the vision or getting in the way- it's just like the movies kids. If you wanna see the picture- don't let someone with a big-ass hat sit in front of you- you move or ask that they adjust. ARRRRGGGGHHHH!
I found the most insightful advice from a mentor: am I going to serve my cause any better by rocking the roadblock? I can't let the roadblock trip me. Ultimately, I am having to learn to let it go when I know in my heart of hearts that it's not the right thing to do. I have to let it go because in working for the cause- I have to work with the cause and for now that means tolerating a decision from a poor manager.
In other news: I am sponsored to go to the YDA conference in San Francisco! Color me excited: pictures to follow. I leave next week.